Why the “Birther” Movement is Irrelevant: Gingrich, Romney, & Santorum will...
In late July of 2009, Steve Colbert interviewed Dr. Orly Taitz, D.D.S., Esq., in New York City on the Colbert report, and poked fun at her theory regarding Obama’s use of a deceased individual’s social...
View ArticleAs a Former President of College Republicans I say Emphatically: the Modern...
On Facebook late Saturday night Sunday morning, as the Republican Primaries lumber on to either one or the other of two inglorious conclusions: Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich…. Mike Harris The...
View ArticleVoting Libertarian—feeling very unsatisfied…. And (what I hope will be) my...
I watch very little television. I watch even less political television because TV if anything is entertainment, not a quiet forum or arena to think and reflect, nor even for meaningful discussion....
View ArticleIs “the Master” a Metaphor for all modern Politics? It is modern art in its...
Happy Election Day! May the People of the United States one Day, Finally, AWAKE and “throw the bastards out.” We need an imaginative leader, not just a “Master” or….Master….”baiter”…. Aside from the...
View ArticleDid Modern Gifts of “Bread and Circuses” (Panem et Circenses) buy the 2012...
Hayley Peterson, Daily Mail (London), November 15, 2012 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2233169/Obama-won-election-gifts-low-income-voters-young-Americans-minorities-says-Romney.html Republican...
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